Last night I had the opportunity to listen to a message from Sean Alsobrooks, the pastor of Knoxlife church. You can listen to that message here:
The longer you have been following God, at a certain point you think you've heard it all. Maybe not consciously, but subconsciously. Then God, by the power of the Holy Spirit, breathes fresh life into a story and you become aware of how little you know. And how much you have to learn (grasshopper)...
The scripture that was a big part of the message was: "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone and the new has come."
Yep. Heard it. Cool. It's a good one. Not sure that I've ever allowed myself to let it change my behavior or patterns of thinking. But hey, another verse I know. Awesome.
Then the pastor wove a story that perked up my ears and made my soul stand at attention. He talked about how when his daughter was coughing he went in and patted her back, comforted her, etc. Then he offered her medicine. The yucky kind. She of course didn't want it, because of the yucky factor. Her father offered it to her so that she would be well. Even though she didn't want to take it, she needed to because it was what was going to make her better.
Similarly, when God comes into our lives, he forgives us and brings us peace and comfort. But He won't stop there- He wants to make us well. He wants to get rid of our "cough". Sometimes the things He wants us to do are yucky, they aren't what we would choose for ourselves, but as our Father, He is only offering us something that will make us better. We could tell him "I won't cough, I'll stop coughing, please don't make me take that!" And the great thing about God is He will never force us. He offers. He nudges. But He doesn't force. We have a choice to move forward with Him, or to stay defeated and "ill".
The other image that really struck me was when the pastor turned in his driver's license from another state to get a new one. They took his old one away, shredded it, and gave him a new one. His old identity was gone. Forever.
When you become a follower of Christ, believe He is the son of God and has risen again, He takes your old identity and shreds it. IT IS GONE. Gone. He gives you a new one. "I have called you by name; you are mine" (Isaiah 43:1)
God says: "I don't SEE you the way you used to be." He sees the righteousness of Christ when He looks at us.
I am new. I am NEW. No longer are we at sin's beck and call, we have a choice now, by the power of God. We are truly FREE. Not free TO sin, but free to forget all our old habits and ways and step out ahead with Him. We can't stay where we're at, we begin a new journey.
Ultimately, God wants us whole and well. He only has good for us, even when what's ahead looks bleak. He treasures us. He offers us healing and help to move forward. Will you allow Him to make you a new identity today? The old one will be gone forever.
Love it (as always)! Thanks for sharing!