Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Enjoy life!

At church this past Sunday, we watched a video clip of 'Christian-ese.' You know what I'm talking about, the lingo Christians use so very often. I laughed hard because I've said half the things in that short clip! "...hold me accountable...small group...guard your heart...secular music...intense fellowship"

When I was doing my "quiet time" yesterday this Christian-ese phrase gave me pause: "be in the world, not of the world." Now, I know what you're saying: but it's Biblical. And I know there is a very valid point behind the words that were said. But here's the thing: followers of Jesus follow Jesus. Our role here is to imitate Him. 

And before you say I'm "going down a bad path" or I "need someone to hold me accountable", let's dig through this together.

Jesus walked, talked, ate, and drank with sinners- everyday people like you and I. "He was so much in the ordinary world that the religious people of His day called Him a glutton..." (Oswald Chambers). He didn't cut himself off from everyone. He wasn't reclusive. He interacted with whomever was in His path. But internally, inwardly, he was constantly in another world. His primary focus was on the relationship between Himself and His Father. Nothing got between Him and His Dad.

We should never allow anything to come between us and the source of our "muchness" (thank you Alice in Wonderland for that word...). The problem we run into, I believe, is when we feel that to maintain that internal relationship, we must externally avoid everything else. We hide in our comfortable Christian circles, events, groups, etc. We isolate. We exclude. We lose valuable opportunities to share the joy of our Lord. 

And while I do agree we shouldn't deliberately place ourselves in situations where we will be tempted to lose our focus on Christ, I think we're missing the freedom of simply living. We lose the fullness of life by restricting ourselves and trying SO hard to be holy! When we go moment to moment fully dependent on God to direct each step, abiding in Him; when we dare to let go and enjoy our short time here, we can become a part of a community where He is the center. 

We can enjoy this life, this Earth. It was created by Him and called good! "In, not of" doesn't mean hide in a hut until He returns. I believe we can follow His example and enjoy the blessings He's given us while we're here. 

Let your spirit be open to His leading. His correction, His guidance, and also opening yourself up to accepting the blessings He gives. To follow Him even into a place that seems outside your comfort zone. We can learn to maintain a close relationship with Him internally without becoming fearful and reclusive. 

As for me? I want to be a girl of another world who actually participates in this one. What are your thoughts?

Thursday, November 22, 2012

I'm thankful for a possibility of a possibility...

Today we sit back and reflect on what it means to be thankful, and what we are thankful for. Some years it's harder than others to find that "silver lining." We all go through tough times. But I'm feeling richly blessed right now.

This year I have quite a bit to be thankful for. 
*I have the love, forgiveness, and patience of an amazing God who never quits on me and is always working out good things for me.
*I have a family that loves each other, with enough dysfunction to keep it interesting.
*I have two amazing kiddos that remind me each day of how awesome and creative God is!
*I have plenty of food and water, and the knowledge to cook/bake to make said food yummy.
*I have a community of friends that walk alongside me, encourage me, and make me laugh. Their support is priceless.
*I have a home, with water, electricity, and plumbing. It's cozy and warm and it's affordable.
*I (almost) have a job that will challenge me to grow and allow me to care for people.
*I can read, sing, and dance. And I can laugh at myself when I dance.
*I have a closet full of clothes and shoes.

I need nothing, He has supplied all my needs. It's true!

And there just happens to be something else that is causing me to give thanks to the Lord. Something that wasn't anticipated. Have you ever been so surprised by something unplanned that it takes you a bit to figure out exactly what's happening? Maybe that's just me...but I digress.

Nearly three years ago, I lost a husband. I was pretty insistent that I would never date/marry again. There was talks of becoming a nun. The pain was absolutely and completely horrible; why on Earth would I ever place myself in a position to go through that again?!?!

Then over the course of this past year, God began to thaw out my heart. It was a slow process, sometimes painful, but He began to put little suggestions in my heart, creating a place for a possibility to grow again. He asked for my trust, not in another man, but in what comes from His hand, and I gave it. (Not without digging my heels in a little bit.)

God slowly turned a friendship into something more, only somewhat surprising me :) and definitely surprising the beaux. This morning during my quiet time, I recognized that I still had some lingering fears.

And He asked me again to simply trust Him. To accept the blessing. (Knoxlifers- receive the biscuits!!) When God gives us a gift, why does it seem so hard to accept it? We're so afraid, so tentative, wanting to avoid anything that could cause pain. Yes, being vulnerable to Him, to love, can mean that we may be hurt someday. Regardless, protecting myself from any possible pain denies Him the one thing He requests: my heart. He wants my trust. To believe that He will give me what I need, and what is best for me, and that I can let go of my fears and fall into His arms of love.

I can trust Him. He is God, my Abba, and He adores me. He gives me good things. Regardless of the outcome, for now He is growing me through this new development with my handsome friend (Who also happens to be a great kisser. Just saying. )

Fall into HIM today. His love is strong. He deserves our whole hearts, and our trust.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Receiving gracefully

My intent in writing this blog has always been to share my journey and love for God with readers. I use the word journey specifically because I am learning (slowly) to embrace the process of growth...and not just long for the end point when I'm "complete." I hope it gives you a chuckle from time to time, and that maybe, just maybe, you can relate.

It's been awhile since I've written anything. I have to say, I've missed it. I've missed communicating the craziness that happens in my life, I've missed your responses, and I've missed the filling up and pouring out of Jesus through this blog.

What I've been taught over the last few days is the beauty of receiving. For some of us, receiving things, whether it be gifts, compliments, or help, comes very naturally. For some people it's quite a struggle. I fall in between those two extremes somewhere: until you get to the receiving of God's grace. That one I really fight sometimes.


Why is it often so simple to accept a gift from a friend, or help with house repairs, and yet the most beautiful, free, un-earnable gift is so difficult to accept?

One of the things I love most about Jesus, and find most perplexing, is that nothing is ever forced. Every thing He ever does is offered. Placed before us. We are always given the choice. Even the rich young ruler in Matthew 19:16. He asked Jesus- "What am I still lacking?" and Jesus gave him the answer: "sell your possessions...and come, follow me." This part gets me, though- the man went away grieving, likely because he didn't feel he could do that, and JESUS LET HIM.

How many of us could do that? How many of us could offer a priceless gift that we knew would really help someone more than anything else, and let them refuse it and walk away? That is exactly what He does.

I have been RIDICULOUSLY stressed lately: feeling the burden of my daily chores, of life. Feeling like I'm climbing a muddy hill and I keep sliding backwards- all my efforts seem in vain. Burdened, exhausted, and getting nowhere.

I realized my heart attitude was rotten. When I spent time worshipping God, and letting Him fill my heart with joy and change the lens with which I saw my chores, I was able to literally feel the weight lift. I felt peace. I realized that I can choose to do all things unto the Lord (Colossians 3). OR I can choose to keep my negative, burdened, overwhelmed attitude. He offers peace. I can choose to receive it. YES PLEASE!! I receive the joy of being your child. I receive Your peace.

John 1:12 says to all who received Him....He gave the right to become children of God.

He'll never force His way. He's too much of a gentleman for that. Instead, Jesus will offer us Himself...and all the gifts that come from abiding with Him. The choice to receive is always up to us.

Lord, please help me to always gracefully receive all that comes from Your hand, because I know You offer Your very best to me in love.