Friday, July 1, 2011

Playing by the rules

As a perfectionist who grew up in church..accepting the grace from God that cannot be earned was always a challenge for me. For example, I do a, b, and c, and then Jesus will love me and take care of me and everything will be great. The end.

Um..yeah. Doesn't work that way. Talk to Joshua, in the bible. Poor guy had one bad thing happen after another, yet he NEVER FALTERED in his integrity and devotion to God. If anyone earned grace or righteousness, it would have been him.

Also, clearly, this method didn't work out exactly for me, either. (see the P.S. below)

My devotion this morning was on the rules that we as Christians looove to come up with. Yet Jesus seemed to put higher regard on realness and honest devotion to Him. Think of the thief on the cross- he didn't have to read a brochure, or sign up for a class, or even be baptized- all we know is that in Luke 23, the thief asked Jesus to remember him once He got to His kingdom, and Jesus said "today you will be with Me in paradise." Done.
Think of the Pharisees, who displayed their spirituality on their sleeve to earn the pleasure of God, and yet received disdain and anger toward their behavior from Jesus.

He made us as we are. He knows us more intimately than we could imagine. Why try to fake it? Why try to be something you aren't? He isn't impressed by those focused on playing by the rules to earn His favor. Seek after Him to allow yourself to be shaped into what He wants you to be. Don't be afraid to take the rules to His word and evaluate whether or not they are true. We each have a different ministry and calling. Embrace that!

Ponder this: what are some rules created by man, and what rules by God? (For instance, is there a "right" way to be saved?) Please, share your thoughts! I want to learn what you think.

And also: what does God require of us?

As far as I can tell, what God requires of us is to "do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly" with Him (Micah 6:8). In addition, a "broken and contrite heart He does not despise "(Psalm 51:17).

So many times we get tied up in all the legalism. Dwell in His presence and discover what He desires from you.

We can't ever keep ourselves clean...sin is a part of life on earth. So stop trying, and rest in Him. Allow Him to wash your feet and cleanse your soul to a bright sparkling pure white, accomplished from the work He did on the cross.

P.S. This book, Plan B by Pete Wilson is fantastic!! The cover says: "what to do when God doesn't show up the way you thought He would?" So much great insight on God and life after the Plan A has passed. You can find out more about this book here

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