So tonight's blog is a little different. Usually I have a pretty good idea what I am going to write before I even sit down. Tonight, not so much. I have some unsettling thoughts regarding the treatment of Casey Anthony, and while I am kind of nauseated by all the attention the woman is getting, here she is, featured in my blog. Sigh.
So tonight on the radio, the DJ was discussing why everyone is so fascinated with her and this case. We are not ignorant enough to believe this is the only case of this nature. He said there has been at least 6 others this year in her county. So why her? Evidently she is reported to be the most hated person in America at the present. This, and the way everyone talks about her, ALL THE TIME, has bothered me, but I couldn't put a finger on why.
Then the DJ suggested something that gave me some insight: perhaps, as humans we are fascinated with these horrible people because they help us feel better about ourselves. "I may not be the best parent but I'm sure better than her!" Or on shows such as Hoarders or Extreme Couponers- "I may be disorganized but at least I don't have 100 cats, or live in garbage, or eat dirt, etc etc etc."
I hadn't thought about it from that perspective. It's true that most mocking is born out of insecurity. We put down others to feel better about ourselves, as a general rule.
But are we really morally superior to Casey Anthony because we aren't on a highly covered trial for murder?
In the book I am reading, Plan B by Pete Wilson, he describes it as "the list." In Luke 18:9-12, we can read the prayer of a Pharisee: "Lord, I thank You that I am not like other people: swindlers, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week; I pay tithes of all that I get." You can visualize this man, puffing out his chest.
None of us admits to a list, or may not have ever consciously thought about it, but the list is there. You know, the sins that are really bad. The ones we don't ever commit. We point our fingers at the "bad" sins but overlook others.
Prideful is ok but just don't drink alcohol.
Greed is just fine, but don't be gay.
You can be unloving and stubborn, but don't ever think about having an abortion.
Please understand, I'm not advocating ANY of these sins. But having this list in our head, where we compare ourselves and come out winning, ultimately stunts growth spiritually.
"It's impossible to support and love one another if we can't admit the sins and struggles in our lives"- Pete Wilson, Plan B.
Recently I have been reading about Paul. He began his life as Saul, a super-educated, well-raised, well-to-do Pharisee. He is first found in the Bible as a supporter/participant in Stephen's stoning. He had the blood on his hands of many saints. He was bloodthirsty and self-righteous. He persecuted God's people, and consequently persecuted Christ. In spite of his past, he has a life-altering encounter with the Lord, does a complete turn around, and immediately begins to preach in the synagogues - saying "He is the Son of God." Acts 9:20
It is God's grace which enveloped and pardoned Saul, who was stoning and killing His children.
It is God's grace which welcomed the thief on the cross next to Jesus into Paradise.
And it is God's grace which is poured out onto each of us, every day, without us doing a thing to deserve it.
This same grace is big enough to cover Casey Anthony. We don't have to determine guilt. We don't have to know her heart.
Romans 3:23-25 says that "all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, being justified as a gift by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus; whom God displayed publicly as a propitiation in His blood through faith. This was to demonstrate His righteousness, because in the forbearance of God He passed over the sins previously committed."
As followers of Christ, we are to allow Him to make us more like Himself. When we speak about things such as this court ordeal with those who do not know Christ, we are to be set apart. We are to express His love. If bitter, volatile things about a person are spewing out, that doesn't bring Him honor.
He must increase, we must decrease.
my thoughts precisely on this matter. im glad to have you as a sister in christ! love you!