Monday, July 4, 2011

Content or contention

Sunday morning we discussed a verse in Hebrews (13:5)- Make sure your character is free from the love of money, being content with what you have; for He Himself has said, "I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you."

I have been working on this concept of being content for a few weeks. One day, I will feel satisfied and content, and feel that perhaps I have conquered my desire for "stuff". Haha. Right. The next day I have a ridiculous urge to go shop at Goodwill. Or I will be thankful for the time that singleness allows me to devote to God one day and desperately lonely the next.

Why can't I just be content? There's very little I truly NEED. And the Lord knows better than I do what I need and takes care of me. "These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but the Heavenly Father already knows all your needs."(Matthew 6:32)

I think the reason the scripture in Hebrews doesn't just say, "be content with what you have," is because it is communicating a bigger concept than simply avoiding the love of money. It is communicating His sufficiencyBe content with what you have, because I am with you. God is saying: I will never ever, under any circumstance, leave you, even if the world is crashing down around you and you feel utterly alone. Could you need anything else beside Me? Is there anything or anyone greater? Don't put money before Me, it is just paper. Don't depend on any one person, depend on Me. Rely on Me, lean on Me, and I will satisfy you.

His yoke is easy, and his burden is light. (Matthew 11:28-30) What does that mean?? I have thought about this scripture a lot, because it really doesn't make sense sometimes. What I think it means is that when you throw away all the concerns of this world (that weigh you down and burden you), and you follow Him, your spirit can find peace and rest. The definition of contention is: an argument, rivalry or competition. Until we rest in the Lord there will be constant contention in our souls, because by not resting and trusting Him, we are essentially doubting His sufficiency.

He LONGS to be our provider, our everything. He is a jealous God (Exodus 20:4-5) and why shouldn't He be?? Being content under His hand, and resting in Him are things that take deliberate action, and require a daily commitment to choose Him (instead of our worries and fears).

 As in all things, "apart from Him we can do nothing" (John 15:5), so instead of trying to use your own willpower to do this daily choosing, ask Him to help you be content and fully dependent on Him. (If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more then will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him! Matthew 7:11)

This isn't something that will happen overnight, but being content is something that develops through perseverance in our circumstances. It will always be easier to be distracted by our concerns of this world. I want to be content today, and may have to make that choice several times in the same day as my fears pop up. Let's keep on striving toward that finish line!!


  1. Your thoughts extend to all of us who constantly fight the yin and yang of want and need.....My mantra is that I never seem to have enought of what I want but I always have enough of what I need....maybe God gives us that dichootomy so we WILL know the difference...
    Gramma Ellie

  2. I don't think there is anyone on Earth that doesn't struggle with being content. It's easy to say we can choose God's path for us or the world's ways, but not always easy to do when the world is yelling through a megaphone "do this, it's ok!"
    I heard Beth Moore explain the yoke as a description of the yoke of an oxen and how it is built for 2 oxen to pull a plow. When we are yoked with Jesus we just to have to follow his lead and let him carry the burden. The 2 oxen can either work together or fight one another. But it works best when they work together, they get the job done. So when we rest in Jesus and let him lead and we follow life is better. My mantra is "do I lack for anything I need?" and the answer is always no! God provides!

  3. Love your new layout! Especially the font :)
