Friday, August 3, 2012

What is love?

What is love? This world gets us all kinds of confused about what love is and what it should look like. There's family/sibling love, romantic love, love your neighbor, unrequited love, being "in love" all gets thrown around leaving us unsure of what love really means. 

So I go back to this: love is patient, love is kind. (1 Cor. 13:4) The verse keeps going but I think these two stand out. For me, oftentimes when I think of someone I love and am being impatient with, I am prompted: love is patient. FIRST, always, love is patient. Love can't be forced. Love can't be rushed. It takes time, cultivation, effort, action, and deliberate care. And when we interact with each other, we show love by being patient, and KIND. Treating others kindly can make such a difference!!

As followers of Jesus we are instructed to "love our neighbor." If we can begin to apply these two things alone, if we show patience and kindness to those we meet each day, we will be on track to loving well.

The trick is, we need God in us to really show love like that. 1 John 4:8 says God IS love. As in, that is part of how he is defined. With His power within our hearts, we have 24 hour access to the only One who is love, the One who can help us show love to others.

When you think of those you love, friends, family, spouses, significant others, etc...think: am I loving well? Am I being patient, and am I being kind? Lord, let your power flow through our hearts so we can show true love to each other.

(*Single ladies,  here's a hint: if you're waiting to meet your hubby-to-be, remember, love is patient! God is working on the behind the scenes work; practice patient love now so that it will perhaps be a habit later!)

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