Wednesday, August 8, 2012


In a good and perfect world, every blog I create would be new and mind blowing. However, reality is that God brings recurring themes in my life. Probably because they are areas that need growth. :)

Yesterday I was again reminded of just how very impatient I am. I. Hate. Waiting. Hate it. I can normally control my behavior, so perhaps no one can tell that waiting makes me feel like I will combust. But God knows. Oh does He ever!

I have a vision of where I'm going, what the future may become, and I want it now. I feel like I've certainly waited long enough. I look at things using my timeframe and feel like it's time to move forward. And I realized I'm so much like the Israelites. Stuck in the desert, circling, wondering if they are EVER gonna get to the promised land. Surely God should move us there by now!

I'm such a fool! Why in the world would I ever believe that God works in a way that conforms to my logic, to my sense of time?? He owns time. I'm a created being. It's ridiculous for me to rush Him along, to nag at Him, to be impatient with Him.

I learn so much from watching the birds from my front porch. They don't worry. They simply live, fly, eat, chirp. Once I remember who is in control, and remember there is a plan, and that I haven't foiled it, I am able to relax. Everything is used by Him for our growth. Nothing is discarded. The waiting times, though difficult for us, are when He is doing the slow, vital, behind the scenes stuff. Namely, helping me trash my will and my plans and lean into Him.

I love this: "We have not to produce out of our higher nature a lowliness and a patience and a purity of our own, but simply to let the pure, patient, lowly life of Jesus have its way in us by yieldingness to it and by faith in its indwelling might." I. Lilias Trotter

Simply yield to His work in you. Have faith that He will, once you let Him, create within you a life that resembles Christ. He's still in control; you are not forgotten.

I love remembering that no matter the detour, big or small, that I make on this path, He is right there with me. Never surprised. Knitting everything together into a masterpiece. I focus on the goal, on the endpoint of the journey, on the arrival; He is focused on the now, shaping the heart inside me.

1 comment:

  1. I like the comparison of our lives as a tapestry. Beautiful on one side but a mass of disjointed treads on the other. We don't always see the beautiful, just feel the disjointed mess of life. Did I ever tell you that God gave me a life verse to pray for you (probably started back in HS) Phil 1:6. "He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it, until the day of Christ Jesus." Very appropriate!
