Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Is He enough?

Life, especially my spiritual life, has come to a kind of plateau for me right now. I'm back into the grind of day to day life, still enjoying my morning quiet times, things just seem a little more still. I'm not getting as many new revelations from God as I felt I was this time last year. I'm learning to simply enjoy His presence. Maybe it's the calm before the storm. :)

But there were two things that hit me today that I want to share/dig into. 1- God loves us and guides us as individuals, not in a general manner; and 2- is He enough?

As my walk with Him has become more real to me, I've begun to see and appreciate how He speaks to me so specifically. Everything begins to seem connected. I am aware when there is an issue He wants to deal with, because things just become obvious. Like when I hear a scripture over, and over. And the amazing thing is that He does this in each and every one of us. Not only are we completely different in personality, likes/dislikes, etc, but we are also at very different points in our walk with Him. Amazing.

I've been listening to messages by a Knoxvillian pastor named Sean Alsobrooks for a few months now, and the thing he says that sticks with me the most is "God is good at what He does." Say that to yourself. It's so true, and I think we forget sometimes. I am here, I am available, but He does the work. He makes the changes. He orchestrates the details of my life as beautifully as He put the stars in place. It's beyond our comprehension, really, but it's the truth.

God so loves the world, but He also loves each one of us. I am His beloved. You can be, too. And though we may sit side by side and hear the same thing, we will each receive in our minds and hearts separate things because God is at work in us for His glory.

Now lately I've been a little concerned with my next step. Not anxious, but searching. Applying for different jobs, looking into different avenues of work. A few more doors have closed (nothing new), and I was getting a bit discouraged.

And then wham! He grabbed my heart. "What if you never work again? What if I never deliver your "promised land"? Am I enough? Is simply being in love with me enough for you?"


When the God of the universe speaks such questions to your get a little quiet inside. Am I more concerned with His guidance, His will, and serving Him more than I am in just being His child? Am I content for now with the reassurance He'll do something awesome later? If this was big mighty woman of God path ahead..would I be satisfied? Like He told His disciples, "leave everything and follow Me." That's my true calling.

This is something I must digest for myself now, but I leave you with the same question: "Is being in love with Him enough for you? Is He enough?"

1 comment:

  1. I've pondered that too! He is enough, but He doesn't want us sitting in ''our caves" doing Beth Moore studies all the time. We need to put our faith into practice!
