Wednesday, June 15, 2011

My Ambition

So..I graduated! Yippee!! I finally have a career path! Right? Right?

Well..not exactly. I mean, I have unlimited opportunities, in a way. But I had only one plan, we will call it Plan A, in mind upon graduation. I wanted to work in labor and delivery at St. Mary's in Knoxville. I think my plan was perfect. They have 8 hour shifts (every other hospital does 12 hr shifts) so I would actually be able to see my children, and it's right by the kids school. Plus it's where I took my internship so I know everyone, the floor, and procedures there.

So I applied there. Because I thought that was the plan. And, because I'm such a go-getter and figured God might could use some help, I even marched down to the boss's office, handed her a resume, and explained to her how much I really wanted the open position they had. She said call back in a month and she'd probably have something. YES! I knew putting in some extra effort would pay off. And just to be sure, I called her in 3 weeks. Left a message. Called back a week later. Left another message. No response., I thought this was the plan. What's plan B?? And please, tell me quick and make it real obvious so I don't miss it. Cause Lord, everyone in the world seems to want to know where I've applied, and where I've interviewed, and if I have a job yet. !!!

Somehow, "Well, I haven't really applied anywhere else because I'm waiting on the Lord to direct my path" doesn't really seem to satisfy the questioners.

But that's just it! He hasn't revealed the next step to me. So I'm waiting. I've had a few random thoughts- "How bout Haiti? Chelsey's going and it sounds like a great ministry...Or Tanzania- they need Christians there...Or Louisiana...I've always wanted to work for Mercy Ministries..."

But maybe, just maybe...God is still waiting for me to settle. To fixate solely on Him. There is no reason for me to fret here..He has the plan B..but it's actually Plan A, and He is waiting for me to cooperate!

So 2 Corinthians 5:9 says, We have as our ambition, whether at home or absent, to be pleasing to Him.

That's my job right now. Not to search google for different jobs and ministries late into the evening, but to rest in Him, worship Him, acknowledge His greatness and all out perfection. Because God's way is perfect. Mine would never be half as good as His. And how often does He let a person "miss" what He wants them to do??? What are the chances that I'll not walk in the right direction if I'm focused on walking WITH Him? (Worst case scenario, I end  up in a whale. But that's for another blog!!)

His power is made perfect in our weaknesses. Well thank goodness, cause I've got plenty of weakness in me that I struggle with every day. That is why, when I am weak, I am strong.

I am glad to have this time with Him. I am glad He cherishes me enough to want my attention. I am humbled by this love that I do not deserve.

He must increase, I must decrease.


  1. Love this, Jen! May He direct your steps as you keep your eyes focused directly on Him, not looking aside to the right or to the left. He knows the way and will lead you to just where He wants you to be, at just the perfect time.
    Love you, friend - Gina

  2. These life steps are hard and demanding but he will show you your path. I experienced something very similar, except I applied everywhere... the one place I really wanted wasn't really an option, the other options were too far, or didn't pay enough. However, the one place I wasn't so crazy about kept popping back up. Sometimes we don't get what we "want" because we are needed somewhere else and his plan is greater than our own. He won't let you miss your opportunity but your are right, I had to let go, give it all over to him and look for the signs. All my signs pointed the same direction, I just had to get over myself and accept that my prayers were being answered. I'll be thinking of you. :)

    PS: Maybe you are supposed to go on for Midwifery?

  3. Glad you are waiting on the Lord and His direction! God gave me such peace yesterday that He has a plan for your life and He's in control. What looks logical to me is not usually how God works. He's busy working ALL things for good for ALL believers and sometimes it takes awhile for God to get everything in alignment. So wait, enjoy this time with your kids and your Lord!
