Sunday, June 26, 2011

Everybody's got a story...

Just in case you were curious.... :)

My Testimony
I have always, according to my Mom, “marched to the beat of a different drummer”. I scorned that as a child. I am now so thankful that God created me as I am. My life has been a journey in which each day I feel He is drawing me even closer, and revealing even more about Himself. I read passages in the bible I am certain He just put there! I live differently from others because I have been set apart for Him. That is a blessing I wouldn’t trade for anything.
I grew up in Melbourne, Florida in a Christian home. My Mom and Dad took us to church and VBS, made meals for the sick and we participated in a lot of church events. Looking back, I can see His hand, and how the building blocks of my faith were laid at that time. There was difficulty: I had very poor self-esteem, was bullied, never felt like I fit in. However, I was learning about Jesus! Music always made me happy; I learned songs that I still know about His goodness and grace. 
I asked Jesus into my heart in the third grade at Sunday School. And I recommitted my heart to him every year at youth camp, because I was never quite certain about it; whether I prayed the prayer the right way. It makes me laugh now to remember how doubtful I was, I didn’t doubt Him, but I felt I wasn’t doing everything I was supposed to. I essentially was trying to earn His grace. I always felt like I didn’t have a “good” testimony, because there was never an earth-shattering moment where I left my sinful life and turned to Him. I am thankful now of the difficulties He spared me, and also realize that every day we leave behind our sins and turn to Him. That’s part of the “working out your salvation with fear and trembling.”
I was able to be a leader in my youth group, musically and spiritually. I discovered my passion for listening, encouragement, and moments coordinated by the Holy Spirit. Although I enjoyed these things tremendously, this was a lonely time for me. Many of my friends were busy with partying and alcohol senior year of high school. I wasn’t interested in those things, so felt isolated. I was faced with decisions of college and the future, and struggled with depression. Counseling helped, and I felt that God had called me to become a Christian Counselor to teen girls. I graduated high school in 2001 and planned to get a degree in psychology.
I took time through this lonely phase, to keep a journal of letters to God. I had a ring that symbolized my commitment to “date” God, and not seek a boy to fill the void only God could fill. This was a sweet time for me, I really became aware of His love for me, and that I was designed with a purpose and cherished. 
Within a year and a half, I met my future husband. Michael McCombs was a Christian, and he played guitar while I sang, so I knew that was the guy for me! He was, however nearly ten years older than me. I remember moments thinking, I must be crazy! There’s no way this is God’s plan- I’m only 21 and he is 29! When I confessed those hurdles of doubt, my faith in both God and His purpose in our relationship were stronger. I was married in October 2003 to Michael. Looking back, I now see the purpose in the shortness of our courting and engagement. I believe it was all fully orchestrated by God.
January 2005 I gave birth to my son, Ewan. I have never felt closer to the Lord than during natural childbirth! He met me in an entirely new way as a mother. My shortcomings as a parent were so pronounced in my eyes: I still beseech Him often to help me to be the parent He needs me to be for my children. 
I was blessed to stay at home with Ewan for 18 months, and then worked alongside my husband at the FL UMC Children’s Home. That was a trying time for us. We had the passion to help the children there, but as new parents, we were in a little over our heads. I loved those girls and so wanted them to grasp the healing Christ offered. Although I still dreamed of becoming a counselor, finishing my degree wasn’t in the picture at the time.
The Lord spoke to me in the spring of 2006 to move to Tennessee. Most people I tell that to think I’m nuts. But I was certain. We moved to Knoxville, and everything fell into place in a way that confirmed I was NOT nuts! We enjoyed Knoxville and found a new church home that was perfect. We had a daughter, Allison, in November 2007. 
After this child, the Lord began leading me toward nursing. I began nursing school at the University of Tennessee in the fall of 2008. I enjoyed all my classes and made grades in them that surprised me. I even did well in Statistics! This was confirmation to me that God was giving me supernatural ability to be successful at this! I did so well during school, and managed to do so while working and being a mommy and wife. His faithfulness to get me through school amazed me.
In my junior year, February 2010, my husband had a surprising, tragic accident. He hit his head while going downhill on a razor scooter. A week later he went to be with the Lord. Once I got past the shock and pain, it was amazing to recognize that you were being filled and carried by the Holy Spirit. While He was dying, I felt like I was not me, but Christ was the only one within me who could function. It was horrible and I’m glad that it’s past, but the blessings the Lord gave me in return are beyond compare. He gave me faith that grows more than I knew it could. He gave me peace and joy, and wisdom to know His will. He gave me a church family that supported me while I continued through school. He provided for me so I didn’t have to work. I am blessed to serve the Lord. I realized thatwithout a husband to love on, I could focus all that love and time on Christ. He does not ever disappoint. 
So, all that complaining about no testimony. He finally gave me a story, in a tragic way I wouldn’t have ever wanted, or asked for. But I love Him. I trust Him. I will follow Him to the ends of the earth. Because I serve the one and only true God. He chose me, and I am honored and grateful to be His child.


  1. You are a lovely writer. Thanks for sharing's a very powerful testimony.

  2. Thank you for sharing this! It is funny how we perceive ourselves is not always what others see. Since we have met I have always admired and looked up to you and thought you were, well, such a "cool mom", and gave me a whole new level to aspire to! Thank you for reminding us ladies that God is gracious and merciful in every situation!

  3. So proud of you! God has always blessed you with a discerning and spiritual heart for Him. I'm glad I could be part of His plan for you and look forward to seeing how HE uses you in the future!

    PS Does this testimony mean what I think it means????
