Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Seeing the forest from the trees

So..I'm frantically working on my research paper that is due in a week. Which isn't completely horrible; I do enjoy what I'm researching. I'm also at the same time checking my email, returning a call, eating oatmeal and drinking coffee. See, becoming a student/mom/housecleaner etc, etc, means that I have become a first class multi-tasker. I'm quite proficient at it, actually. My motor is running at a speed much quicker than most around me. The sad part though, is that in all the hurriedness, I forget to look around.
While my computer stops working because I lost the internet connection, I take a deep breath to calm down, and look out the window.


The fall colors on the tree and the blue sky is so vibrant, so marvelous, it can only be a creation of God. "Look at my beauty, rest in Me" is what I feel Him saying to me.
You see, when you get caught up in all the hurriedness (which quite frankly I believe is Satan's most used ploy to divert us from what is really important), you forget to see the forest from the trees.
The bigger picture. Today is just a day. This minute is just a moment, which will quickly pass. What will it all add up to? What is our purpose here? If every task on your to-do list gets done, what then? If we aren't developing within, we are without.
His mercies are new every morning, take a bit of time to accept them.

1 comment:

  1. Love your new blog! You have a gift for writing and a great spirtual perspective! Keep it up!
    I wish I could look out at fall colors right now!
