This morning dear Mr. Oswald brought something to my attention: no man is born with character, he has to make his character. And this occurs over the course of his whole life, creating habits through daily circumstances and behaviors. In other words, it's the little things I do each day that create the habits which form and define who I am.
We keep looking for big things to "do for Jesus", cling to our mountaintop experiences, focus on all of the thrilling moments, while that which shapes us the most is the boring. The drudgery. The loneliness. The obedience in the least exciting circumstances. When our kids (or spouse!) leave the lights on all over the house again, when the dog chews our shoes, when it's time to pay the bills, feed the cat, gas up the car. These are the moments that form us. We have to learn to live in the midst of the "blah" by the power of God. We can learn to be diligent in these things not just because they are our "duties" but because we believe God is in control and able to use all the circumstances in our lives.
I LOVE this: "we are not meant to be illuminated versions, but the common stuff of ordinary life exhibiting the marvel of the grace of God."(O. Chambers)
Each moment of obedience in the most minute, common situations depends on the grace of God. We need Him and His power within us to build habits and character like Jesus.
Think about this: "the tiniest detail in which I obey has all the omnipotent power of the grace of God behind it."(O. Chambers) When I say a feeble "no" to something that is not best for me, in obedience to my Jesus, although it feels feeble, it is full of the power of God's grace! If I say "yes, Lord" and follow Him through something difficult, even though it would not be a struggle for someone else, it is by HIS power I do so.
And as I choose obedience time and time again, it becomes a habit. Then part of my character. And I would love nothing more than to be defined by my obedience to Christ.
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