The definition of the word image is: a reproduction or imitation of the form of a person or thing. So who or what are we reproducing or imitating in the image we project? In our culture, there is a heavy focus on our self-image. How do we feel about ourselves, how do we perceive ourselves? Feelings and thoughts about ourselves become very foundational to how we behave and interact in relationships. According to the world's standards, our image defines who we are, and determines where we fall on the scale of "coolness". Acceptance stems from our image. There are a million articles on improving your self-image, changing your image, even self-image tests. The cosmetics industry makes millions/billions of dollars a year on the fact that we feel it necessary to project a certain image. From clothes to makeup to hair products to perfume to fad diets to surgery-
When did we decide that what God declared to be "very good" was not good enough?
In Genesis 1, God created the heavens, the earth, light and darkness, water, vegetation, animals, fish, birds, and more. But He wasn't quite satisfied. So He said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to our likeness." Then He "created man in His own image, in the image of God He created Him; male and female He created them." At the end of the all the creating, "God saw ALL that He had made, and behold, it was very good."
All He had made. Was very good.
I get the distinct impression that no additional improvements were needed. I mean, certainly if the One who made the creation declared it very good, then what was made is complete.
Would you alter the statue of David? What kind of augmentation would be appropriate for the Mona Lisa? Each piece of art has been declared complete by it's maker- it would be foolish to alter it.
How about the sunsets or sunrises? What would you do to increase their beauty? Could anyone add anything to Niagara Falls? Beauty is all around us, crafted by the hands of God Himself. There is nothing needed to add to the beauty. In fact, it seems foolish to think that we could add anything to improve upon the natural wonders God has made. Women have been created the same way, and each one of us was knit together with purpose by the Father in heaven. Psalm 139:13 says that He knit us together in our mother's womb. Verse 14 says we are "fearfully and wonderfully made." So why, dear sisters, do we allow the world to tell us we are not? Why do we insist that we are less than wonderful in our plainest state?
Please understand, I am all for good hygiene! I think we need to take care of what God has made by eating healthfully, staying physically fit, and keeping ourselves squeaky clean :) . But for whom do we "put our face on" every day? For whom are we having physical augmentation done to our bodies? The cosmetic surgery industry is estimated to reach or exceed $7 billion in revenues in the year 2013, up from $4.4 billion in 2008. What kind of dent could we put on global poverty and starving children with that $7 billion?? Just a thought.
Please also understand something very important, "there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." (Romans 8:1) If you have had cosmetic surgery- Christ doesn't condemn you, and neither do I. If you are imitating the world with your image- Christ doesn't condemn you, and neither do I.
I am simply trying to speak truth into your heart. You are formed after God. You are created in HIS image! Don't let the world tell you who you need to be and look like to have value. God Himself made you and said you were very good. Let us truly be set apart, not just by our actions, but in our image. Be satisfied with what He has made. It is more than simply "good enough", it is very good! There is nothing you need to purchase that can improve it. Allow the value He gives you to define how you see yourself. Amen?
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